
Forecast Sales, Revenue
and Demand with Revecast

Jax Consulting is the leading consulting partner for Revecast, the most configurable
forecasting application native to Salesforce. Revecast offers predictive insights to empower your staff with real-time numbers and unlock peak performance.

Revecast saves you time by allowing you to produce predictable and consistent results that you can trust while working directly in your Salesforce system.

Salesforce is designed for customization, and your app exchange products should be too. Revecast is the first fully configurable forecasting application that’s tailored to the way you’ve implemented your Org.

Revecast Forecasting Features

Revecast streamlines your revenue process by providing efficient sales forecasting, pipeline management, and revenue intelligence to meet your targets with confidence.

Ease of Configuration

Simple, and intuitive interface for adjusting and monitoring your forecast with ease. 24/7 Real-time visibility into important Salesforce data

Quota Management

Quota Management that allows you to add quotas against any object in Salesforce — not just your Sales Users. Add quotas for Users, Products, Users and Products, Accounts, etc.


Comparison snapshots to view how the forecast has changed over time and identify significant changes that can uncover risks

Reports and Dashboards

Custom Metrics, Dashboards, and Reports to support your team in a single easy to use interface


Export the data to excel and other external system for further analysis with additional tools

Einstein prediction and scoring

Integration with Salesforce Einstein prediction and Einstein scoring
