
Empower your Nonprofit to Make a Bigger Impact

We believe that every nonprofit has the potential to achieve great things. That’s why we’re committed to helping organizations like yours maximize capacity, income, and impact. Our solutions are designed to help you nurture relationships with your donors, volunteers, and partners. Managing data can be a challenge for nonprofits, but we leverage the #1 CRM in the world so you can take control of your data to build deeper connections with the people who matter most. From fundraising to program management, our solutions make it easy to make informed decisions with confidence. Whether you need to pivot your programs, scale up your operations, or respond to a crisis, our solutions can help you navigate those challenges with ease. Contact us today to learn more about our solutions and how we can help you achieve your nonprofit’s goals.

putting nonprofits

Nonprofit Success

We leverage Salesforce’s Nonprofit Success Pack tool to organize the management of your income stream, grants and program data in one centralized location.

program management

Program Management

Our comprehensive data management solutions provide you with actionable insights and detailed analytics, empowering you to take your mission to new heights. Our tools are designed to streamline your data collection and management processes, so you can focus on what really matters - your mission.



Easily manage fundraising events and initiatives while gaining valuable insights into your donors' behaviors and preferences. We help tailor your communications and outreach efforts to better resonate with your donors. This means that your donor communications will always be accurate, insightful, and relevant, allowing you to build stronger relationships with your supporters.


Grants Management

Leverage the power of Salesforce to create a comprehensive solution that modernizes the grant-making process. Our solution provides nonprofit organizations with a robust, automated tracking system for grant applications, documentation, and processes. you can stay on top of every aspect of the grant-making process.

Increase giving, cut costs, and achieve your mission

How We Achieve Success

Advisory Services

Consulting Services

At Jax Consulting, we believe in putting our clients first. Our consultative services are built on a foundation of attentive listening and a deep understanding of your organization's unique processes, and procedures. Our team of seasoned professionals will work collaboratively with you to develop customized implementation strategies and we are committed to helping you achieve your goals.

Implementation Services

Implementation Services

With our tailored approach, you can rest assured that you're getting the support and guidance you need to succeed. We believe that the best results come from our collaborative process that allows us to proactively adjust to your feedback and make your project a success from start to finish. We partner with you to increase positive outcomes and mitigate any potential risks by ensuring that you're always informed and that your project stays on track. We also provide comprehensive training to ensure that your team is equipped to use the Salesforce features to their full potential.

Managed Services

Managed Services

We understand that successful implementation is just the first step in driving positive change for your organization. Our goal is to empower your organization to drive better results for the long term. That's why we offer ongoing support and managed services after the initial implementation to help you sustain your progress and drive continued success. Our team is here to ensure that your organization has access to the resources and expertise it needs to stay ahead of the curve.
