Live Agent, Chatbot Service Cloud Add-on QuickStart*

Completion Time
  • 2-4 weeks

  • Project Manager and Architect
  • Developer
  • QA Specialist

Description and Key Benefits

Achieve self-service and and agent efficiency and reduce the cost of customer service. Shift customers away from away from expensive and time-consuming channels like phone and email. Offer 24/7 customer service and never miss a lead.

What’s Included?
  • Chatbot flow mapping
  • Solution Design with documentation
  • Roll out strategy

  • Setup webchat.
  • Standard branding for the embedded chat window.
  • Configure Pre-chat form.
  • Configure offline form.
  • Update case configuration.
  • Update lead configuration (if applicable).
  • Omni-channel setup.
  • Setup routing configurations.
  • Associate agents and queues.
  • Configure statuses and capacity.
  • Setup Chatbot dialog and variable capture flow with up to 30 dialogs.
  • Role, Security, Sharing, and User Configuration.
  • Quality assurance review.
  • Deployment to production and support for website developers

Training Session
  • Three complimentary 60 min remote training sessions + 1 hour admin training.

Post Go-live
  • 2 weeks of post launch support – 10 hours per week

*Focusing on fast development and turnaround for common Salesforce product configurations, a QuickStart implements key Salesforce functionality for a set price and known scope of work.
